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mai - august 25

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Kunsten å leve er en festival som setter fokus på sammenhengen mellom visuell kunst og folkehelse.
Festivalen tar opp tema som: ytringsfrihet, likestilling inkludering og brukermedvirkning .

Festivalen produserer gatekunst, arrangerer workshops og bidrar til debatter.
I perioden mai-august 25 vil flere kunstnere utføre gatekunstverk i Mandal og Kristiansand.

Kunstnere 22
Carolina Falkholt

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Issac Cordal (ESP)

“With the simple act of miniaturization and thoughtful placement, Isaac Cordal magically expands the imagination of pedestrians finding his sculptures on the street.” – Steven P. Harrington, Brooklyn Street Art

Cement Eclipses is a critical definition of our behavior as a social mass. The art work intends to catch the attention on our devalued relation with the nature through a critical look to the collateral effects of our evolution. With the master touch of a stage director, the figures are placed in locations that quickly open doors to other worlds. The scenes zoom in the routine tasks of the contemporary human being.

Cbloxx (UK)

(Born 1983) in the old Yorkshire mill town of Huddersfield, Cbloxx (Jay Gilleard) is an English muralist, painter, music producer and multidisciplinary artist. They became most well known for co founding internationally acclaimed street art duo Nomad Clan who notably painted the tallest mural in the UK.
Currently based between the wilderness of the Pennines and the dust bowl of Los Angeles Cbloxx resumed solo practice in 2020 after 6 hedonistic, yet transformative years touring globally with Nomad.
Cbloxx predominant weapon of choice is spray paint, with over 16 years experience working tirelessly with the medium. Layers of fine freehand details bring an otherworldly realism to portraiture, whilst textural painterly backgrounds often involve the weathered wall patina. This is a key element that is often reflected in their studio practice, often working on found objects that guide the way Cbloxx works onto them, everything from colour palette choice, composition down to the thematics.

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Szabotage (UK)


Gustav Szabo is a prolific, contemporary urban artist and designer known as Szabotage. He grew up in Hove (near Brighton in the UK) where he studied architecture before moving to London where he worked as an architect and designer. After moving to Hong Kong he quickly gained notoriety with sold-out exhibitions, solo shows, collaborative projects, private and commercial commissions with iconic brands such as Prada and Louis Vuitton.

Characterised by bright colours and popular cultural references, Szabotage’s visual language is high impact. His signature style uses layers of stencils to depict life and create personality in each unique piece.

Canevil (BRG)

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Kari Anne Helleberg Bahri

I work mainly with textile objects and installations. My artwork is concerned with human situations and often reflects or depicts clothing, either in form, materials, or both. Clothes, being intimately related to the body, are directly connected to mankind and therefore a natural conduit for human stories. I employ clothing and textiles as a means of communication, freed from their basic function as body coverings.

The textiles we wear form a boundary between the individual and the outside world. Clothes are « the meeting point between the private and the public », writes Entwistle in the book The Dressed Body. Despite the thin, fragile properties of textiles, they constitute a considerable boundary and protection, while communicating information about the individual and how he or she interacts with society. My object is to reveal the person under the clothing, the individual’s mental or emotional state.

Vlek (NOR)

Norwegian streetartist.
Works mainly with stencils.But is curious about other techniques. Likes to focus on the situation and context artworks are placed in. Worked on and off the streets since 1984.

Made works on the streets of Kristiansand, Arendal, Grimstad, Stavanger,
Bergen, Oslo, Bodø. Aberdeen, London and Belgium.

Works both on commission and on impuls. Do you have a wall?

Also works as curator, fundraiser and printmaker.

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Skjermbilde 2023-07-07 kl. 22.24.13.png

Øivind Brune 

Øivind Brune (1942 – 2015) maler og grafiker. Født og oppvokst i Kristiansand og med utdanning fra Statens Kunstakademi, Oslo 1962 – 69. 

Etter hvert ble Kolbotn utenfor Oslo hans base og Øivind var en aktiv utstiller i Norge og i utlandet i over 40 år. Hans verk finnes i Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design og en rekke andre museer i Norge. Han har hatt et tyvetalls separatutstillinger i Sør-Norge og vært representert på internasjonale kunstutstillinger i Japan, Polen, Ungarn, Brasil og i de nordiske land.

Øivind Brune var maler og grafiker, men han var også en mann med et stort samfunnsengasjement og var ikke redd for å ytre seg offentlig. Disse ytringene fant naturligvis ofte sin form i et visuelt språk.


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Arrangør:    webdesign: vlek
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